Story of Mangalyaan.. India's pride
The Mars orbiter spacecraft Mangalyaan started sending its first high quality images of the Red Planet late on Wednesday (24/09/14), ISRO sources said, allaying fears that the missions cameras had failed. Images were expected to arrive in the afternoon but there was no news about it till evening causing some concern.
Earlier on Wednesday, India created history by becoming the first country to succeed on its first Mars mission when Isro's Mangalyaan slipped into Martian orbit after a few nail-biting moments.
The country joined the United States, European Space Agency and the former Soviet Union in the elite club of Martian explorers with the Mars Orbiter Mission, affectionately called MOM.
"History has been created by our scientists", said PM Narendra Modi in his speech immediately after the scientists declared the mission a success. "We have dared to reach out to the unknown."
"When our cricketers win a tournament, we celebrate in a big way. What these scientists have achieved is thousand times bigger," he added.

Mangalyaan, the Cheapest Mars Mission
This golden satellite, approximately the size of a Nano car,
and the entire Mars Orbiter Mission have been made ready at
a record cost ofRs. 450 crore or nearly $67 million.
Mangalyaan is the cheapest inter-planetary mission ever to
be undertaken anywhere in the world. At Rs. 450 crore, it
costs just about Rs. 4 per person in India. The cost of
travel is slightly over than Rs:11.25 /km, cheaper than what
the autorishaws charge in Delhi . It is cheaper than a
Hollywood Movie "Gravity"
To compare, the darling of Martian dreamers - the American
rover Curiosity which has been sitting on the surface of the
Red Planet - cost over a whopping two billion dollars.
India's technological capabilities and frugal bills have
helped cut costs. It is paving the way for faster, cheaper
and possibly durable inter-planetary missions.
Story of Mangalyaan
The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Mangalyaan
"Mars-craft" (Sanskrit मंगल maṅgala "Mars" + यान yāna
"craft"),is a Mars orbiter launched into Earth orbit on 5
November 2013 by the Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO). It was successfully inserted into Mars orbit on 24
September 2014, making India the first nation to send a
satellite into Mars orbit on its first attempt, and the
first Asian nation to do so. The mission is a "technology
demonstrator" project aiming to develop the technologies
required for design, planning, management, and operations of
an interplanetary mission
The MOM mission concept began with a feasibility study in
2010, after the launch of lunar satellite Chandrayaan-1 in
2008. The government of India approved the project on 3
August 2012
Voyage to Mars:
The space agency had initially planned the launch on 28
October 2013 but was postponed to 5 November 2013 following
the delay in ISRO's spacecraft tracking ships to take up
pre-determined positions due to poor weather in the Pacific
The satellite's development was fast-tracked and completed
in a record 15 months. Despite the US federal government
shutdown, NASA reaffirmed on 5 October 2013 it would provide
communications and navigation support to the mission. ISRO
chairman stated in November 2013 that if the MOM and NASA's
orbiter MAVEN were successful, they would complement each
other in findings and help understand Mars better.
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) is
a space probe designed to study the Martian atmosphere while
orbitingMars. Mission goals include determining how the
Martian atmosphere and water, presumed to have once been
substantial, were lost over time. On September 22, 2014,
MAVEN reached Mars and was inserted into an areocentric
elliptic orbit 6,200 km (3,900 mi) by 150 km (93 mi) above
the planet's surface.
Mars orbit insertion
The plan was for insertion into Mars orbit on 24 September
2014, approximately 2 days after the arrival of NASA's MAVEN
orbiter. The 440N liquid apogee motor was successfully test
fired at 09:00 UTC (14:30 IST) on 22 September for 3.968
seconds, about 41 hours before actual orbit insertion. On 24
September 2014, at IST 04:17:32 satellite communication
changed over to the medium gain antenna. At IST 06:56:32
forward rotation started and locked the position to fire, at
IST 07:14:32 an attitude control manoeuvre took place with
the help of thrusters after eclipse started at IST 07:12:19
and LAM (Liquid Apogee Motor) starts burning at IST 07:17:32
and ends at IST 07:41:46. After that reverse manoeuvre took
place, the spacecraft successfully enters Martian orbit.
Study on Mars, the red planet.
Of all the planets in the solar system, Mars has sparked the
greatest human interest. The conditions in Mars are believed
to be hospitable since the planet is similar to Earth in
many ways. For ages, humans have been speculating about life
on Mars. However, the question that is to be still answered
is whether Mars has a biosphere or ever had an environment
in which life could have evolved and sustained.
Five scientific instruments onboard the Indian spacecraft
will explore Mars during the next six months in search of
life-sustaining elements on the Red Planet.
Mangalyaan will explore the surface of Mars, its morphology,
mineralogy and its atmosphere. Five solar-powered
instruments aboard Mangalyaan will gather data to help
determine how Martian weather systems work and what happened
to the water that is believed to have once existed on the
planet in large quantities.
At its closest point, the orbiter will be 365 km from the
planet's surface, and at its furthest - 80,000 km.
Though our spacecraft (MOM) will take 77 hours or 3.2 earth
days for each rotation around Mars at a distance of 500 km
nearest and over 80,000 km farthest from its surface, it
will conduct experiments to study its surface and rich
mineral composition and scan its atmosphere for methane gas
to find out if the planet can support life,
The Orbiter has three solar panels for generating energy and
three antennas (high, medium and lower) for radio links with
earth stations and deep space networks
The 475-kg spacecraft (MOM) with the five instruments
(payloads), weighing 15 kg,
First instrument - Mars Colour Camera (MCC) - will
provide images of the planet's surface features and weather
patterns such as dust storms. "The MCC will also supply
images of the Red Planet's two moons - Phobos and Deimos,"
Second instrument - Methane Sensor (MS)- will look
for the methane gas in the Martian atmosphere, as its
presence may indicate whether life can be supported or
sustained on the planet.
Third instrument - Mars Exosphere Neutral Composition
Analyser (MENCA) - will study neutral gas atoms found
in the outermost part of the Martian atmosphere.
Fourth instrument - Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP)-
will measure relative abundance of two isotopes of hydrogen
to understand the process by which Mars has been losing its
atmosphere and turning into a dry planet from a wet one.
Lastly, the fifth instrument - Thermal Infrared Imagery
Spectrometer (TIIS) - will map the surface
temperature e to understand the composition and mineralogy
of Mars.
My sincere thanks to ISRO for the pictures and video displayed here.
தமிழில் வாசிக்க
MAVEN: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN Mission: a friend or foe ???